Eswatini TV

Emaphoyisa Nesive - Saturday at 15:30 PM
Considering the past lukewarm relationship between the Royal Eswatini Police Service and fellow citizens, this show has the purpose to maintain sustainable peace in the nation, and it raises the curtain of transparency on the multi facets of police work in the country.

Young Climber – Tuesdays at 18:30 PM
Join the host as she takes us through various Eswati dishes and other delicious courses in her kitchen, both the old and new preparation methods and each dishes health benefits.The host will serve up easy to prepare, rustic and crowd-pleasing recipes proving you don’t have to buy expensive recipes to enjoy a test of good healthy food.

Brains on the Go – Mondays – Wednesdays at 16:30 PM
A reality show which unearth ‘brains’ from all corners of the four regions of the country, develops them to another exciting level of thinking and learning by subjecting them to a serious yet exciting competition and awards.